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The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

Praying in the Trinity - the Holy Spirit

God revealed to us that he is our loving Father because he sent his Son Jesus

Christ who died and rose again for us at Easter. At Pentecost, Christ in turn sent

the Holy Spirit to dwell within us - and still sends the Spirit to live in a unique

way in all baptised Christians. When we pray we ascend to God in the Holy

Spirit, through Jesus, our brother, saviour, mediator, and friend.

Every prayer should therefore begin by calling on God to send us the Holy

Spirit anew. Then in the power of the Spirit, we can refocus on God in the

teaching, death, and resurrection of Christ. When we pray, we should take a few

words of Jesus or contemplate his crucifixion, asking the Holy Spirit to show us

Christ, who is the face of God the Father revealed to us.


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